Cluster for Critical Artistic Research (CCARe),
Aalto University, Espoo,
2019 - Present

Cluster for Critical Artistic Research (CCARe), established in 2019 as a research group within the Department of Art at Aalto University, Finland, is a network and platform of/for artistic researchers looking at issues of critical artistic research, feminist and queer studies, intersectionality, postcolonial and decolonial studies, posthumanism, new materialism, practice and collaboration, and experience-driven knowledge. The group brings together a community of doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and faculty members at the university.

Members include Freja Bäckman, Rebecca Close, Marie-Andrée Godin, Jon Irigoyen, Dr. Mira Kallio-Tavin, Ali Akbar Mehta, Dr. Julia Valle Noronha, Marina Valle Noronha, Tiago Martins Pinto, Abdullah Qureshi, Sepideh Rahaa, and Dr. Timothy Smith.


Research Output:
Publication: Co-edited with Mira Kallio-Tavin and Marie Andrée Godin. (2021, December).  Critical Artistic Research as Practices of Care. Research in Art and Education.